
I’m finding this blogging stuff difficult at the moment. I ended up scrapping an entire post yesterday, because the only thing it contained was a rant about work. And I decided I just didn’t want to do that sort of thing here.

I’ve rode the exercise bike for the 3rd day in a row. That’s probably about 2 days more than the last time I decided to try to lose some weight. I’m trying to eat a little better. My target is to lose about 20-30 pounds. We’ll see how it goes. I guess I should probably weigh myself soon so I have a baseline.

Alias returns to TV tonight, and oh yes, I will be watching. I just love that Jennifer Garner. I think the show’s starting to get a little flaky though. I think they made a mistake when they destroyed SD-6 and this whole Ramboldi artifacts stuff is getting old. Oh well, I just love that Jennifer Garner.

There’s also a new episode of Lost tonight. I’d start talking about my New Year resolutions tonight, but one of them is to cut down on my TV watching. So we’ll ixnay that tonight.

One Response to “Struggling”

  1. Shindo Hikaru Says:

    Dude, if I can come up with a bunch of useless, boring stuff to say everyday, so can you. The way I look at it is that hardly anyone is ever going to read it anyway, so what do I care. 🙂

    Not a big Jennifer Garner fan myself from what I’ve seen of her (I’ve never watched Alias). Not sure what I don’t like about here, but I think it has to do with how guant looking she is. Oh well, not like I’d score with her even if I thought she was hot. 🙂

    – Shindo

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